Fantastic… you’ve discovered the about page of Anthony Awuley. Just another boring, big headed, fitness enthusiast, time traveling data and ml engineer who hails from Welland, Ontario.

I’m into backend development in works related to [big data][big-data], [machine learning][machine-learning], [computer vision][computer-vision], [data engineering][data-engineering]

To say hello or ask a question, [my contact][contact] page has all those details.

Professional work



About the site


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Honorable mentions

I’m beyond fortunate to work with many folks at Brock University and beyond who are far more talented than I

This post should display a header with an overlay image and custom tagline, if the theme supports it.

Non-square images can provide some unique styling issues.

This post tests overlay header images with custom page.tagline.

tagline: "This is a custom tagline content which overrides the default page excerpt."
  overlay_image: /assets/images/unsplash-image-1.jpg
  caption: "Photo credit: [**Unsplash**]("

Along with navigation elements set in _data/navigation.yml.

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